Have you heard of Six Degrees to Kevin Bacon? It’s a notion that basically suggests that any individual involved in Hollywood can be linked through film roles to Kevin Bacon within six degrees. The ol’ six degrees of separation theory.
Recently, this little project is starting to feel like Six Degrees to For the Well of It! Although I’m not entirely sure we could link to Kevin Bacon in six steps per se, the number of people who are indeed within six degrees of us is mounting!
Most recently, Jenna, a professor of mine from MacEwan University donated the equivalent of $1 a day to the project. One degree!
There are now a number of mom’s in Idaho with new-to-them baby items who are connected to us through Aimee who donated the money from the sale of the items her kids had outgrown to fund her commitment to the well. Two degrees!
There are satisfied Arbonne customers in Calgary who bought product knowing that proceeds of their purchases would funnel through consultant, Sheri, who found out about the initiative through a friend of the project. Three degrees!
There is a neighbourhood connected to us through their donation of bottles to a boy, Deklin, raising funds through a bottle drive for the project he learned about through his mom who teaches with Jeanne who invited her friends to join the movement. Four degrees!
There is a husband, who threw a birthday brunch for a wife, Marian (mom of Catherine who is a member of the project through the Bunt & Associates office team) at which family and friends donated to the project in lieu of gifts and emptied their pockets for Change for Children. Five degrees!
And there a dozen more stories like these. I love to hear them! Whether you are one degree, two degrees, six degrees or even ten degrees to For the Well of It, there is no one I would rather be connected to or cut loose (footloose) with for that matter!
Kevin Bacon notwithstanding, of course.
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