In Adventure/ Explore/ USA/ Uncategorised When Sh!t gets Real “I’m used to carrying your sh!t….” he affirmed, his words trailing off. When backcountry hiking and camping, it’s true, Nekky often carries a greater… Continue Reading →
In Honduras/ International Development/ Safe Water Comfort and Joy. And Betty. When a pipe breaks in the community of Colonia Modelo outside Marcala, Honduras, you call Betty. Although I suspect people here also call Betty… Continue Reading →
In Honduras/ International Development All you need is love. And water. And gratitude. As we sit around our respective Holiday tables, taking turns sharing our gratitudes, our blessings, and our thanks, I will no doubt have much to… Continue Reading →
In Adventure/ Explore/ International Development/ Nicaragua/ Water Wells Circuit to Ride Even hidden behind the chin protection on his motorcycle helmet, I can tell that Kelvin is smiling. His cheeks are drawn up below kind… Continue Reading →
In International Development/ Nicaragua A new beginning in the BOSAWAS It’s evening in the BOSAWAS, and I write the unfamiliar (and lengthy) names of the women participants of the WIMPA assembly — a gathering of… Continue Reading →
In Adventure/ Canada/ Explore Two feet and a VERY RAPID heartbeat! A cherry Kool-Aid mustache stained the upper lip of my childhood. The Kool-Aid man burst through walls during my cartoon commercial breaks, and this… Continue Reading →
In Explore/ India/ International Development The same. But Different. Sure, it’s now a full year later, but in the absence of travel this February, I am spending a lot of time in my… Continue Reading →
In Adventure Comfort and Joy this Christmas Greetings! There was a time (less than a year ago, in fact) when the mere smell of hand sanitizer would transport me across the… Continue Reading →
In Adventure/ Canada/ Explore Backpacking the Wright way I had a moment of panic when Payton informed me that she couldn’t wait to eat s’mores on our campout. Umm, s’mores? When preparing… Continue Reading →
In For the WELL of it/ Water Wells Gratitude: 4 the well of it Perhaps this summer was just a little different for you. I know it was for me. But perhaps you also found yourself appreciating your… Continue Reading →