Perhaps this summer was just a little different for you. I know it was for me. But perhaps you also found yourself appreciating your people and your place just a little more too. Perhaps.
With the frustration, the anxiety, and the ups and downs, I am happy to also be feeling gratitude! Much gratitude to those of you who have hung in there with me through our FOURTH well funded by my Four the Well of it campaign and also to those who have joined in for the first or second time! Who would have thought back in 2015 that our reach could extend to so many.
Part of what has made this spring/summer different for me was the inability to travel to Nicaragua. Sure, I would have liked to have been there to meet the people of Los Ebanos, the community whose water well we funded. I would have liked to have been there to see the water turned on. To capture the magic. But it’s been a Plan B kind of year, and this was no exception.
I have attached some pictures that were instead provided to me. Pictures that show the construction process and that reinforce for me the amount of people involved in making change, both here with you all, and also on the ground in Nicaragua. In Los Ebanos, we partnered with the municipality to contribute to a water system that includes a water well and electric pump, a holding tank, and a distribution system with water piped to each home!
The pvc pipe and water spigot outside each home in the village may look different than the faucets in our houses, but the water it carries is clean nonetheless and is bringing with it not only life (Water is life!), but also peace of mind in these days when hygiene is at the forefront of everyone’s minds.
Thank you for continuing to show me that The Ripple is indeed alive and well! Ripple on, Friends :).
I look forward to traveling once again when safe to do so and to following up with you all. Thank you all for being part of this community! I am happy and humbled to be able to report that we are also now connected to the community of Los Ebanos.
Hugs and Happiness to you all!
For the Well of it,

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