Plan A was to to travel by boat (three boats actually) into the Bosawas and all the way to our base community of San Andres (where Change for Children has a field house). To pass the time, we did some singing (of course), I did some friendly interrogating (of course), and we all took in the simplicity and beauty of our surroundings as we headed deeper and further into what is referred to as the Zone.
Plan B, however, saw one boat making it to San Andres (although without their luggage since it was on the other boats) and the other two boats (mine included) getting caught in rain.
We pulled out of the river just shy of our destination, and just before dusk, in the community of Siminka.
Although we arrived unannounced, we were welcomed by the locals and they opened up the one-room church for us to hang our hammocks. We were warmed by a hearty meal of beans, rice, yuca, and bread (the first of many three-starch meals to come).

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