0 In For the WELL of it/ Water Wells

The patience of it

It is neither jolly nor magical, but a big ol’ drilling rig, decked out in Christmas-red, has been busily making a joyful noise in the community of El Horcon. And while water scarcity here has meant family water supplies falling severely short of basic human water requirements, clean water is now flowing for the 50 families that call it home. This project, that so many of you have contributed to and patiently waited to hear about, was indeed a group effort! Our contributions, combined with the hard work of those involved on the ground means success at long last. While we have collectively funded getting the water into the hands of the community (including the drilling, the water testing, the construction, and the training of a local water committee), the local municipality has provided the water pump, and the community members provided labour as well as in-kind support such as food for workers. It takes a village!

Just as some of us are perhaps counting down the days to the holidays, residents of El Horcon, Nicaragua have been counting down the days to a celebration of their own! Just in time for Christmas. And although this will not fit beneath the tree, I think it will be a welcome holiday addition just the same.

This is the third well funded by For the Well of it supporters, and I can’t help but think ‘how lucky am I?!’ to know you, to be moved by you, and to be supported by you. You are just the best.

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